I am going to follow the Versatile Blogger directions and tell 10 things about myself and nominate some of my favorite bloggers.
1. I have two beautiful daughters, who bought new bike helmets tonight at Target. They chose matching kitty cat helmets, one in blue and the other purple. Very cute. : )
2. We also bought oodles of crafts at Hobby Lobby tonight, including cloth for Sarah's quilt and Trey's, prompting the text exchange with Trey over how long it actually takes me to finish a quilt, according to Cathy. "Years," I admitted, at least according to Cathy. I think it took a year for me to finish her most recent quilt, with help from my mom after my machine pooped out. Which brings me to...
3. I take on too much and it takes me a long time to finish half started remodeling projects, books, crafts, etc. I work fast once I start, but am distracted by #1, my two beautiful and very busy daughters.
4. I also get excited by many different things, too much for one person to have time to do well. In the past year, I've wanted to run a half marathon, join roller derby, join bike rides with Lisa W., finish my four quilts for which I have fabric, and learn German...
5. I want to learn German so I can read in German, travel there someday (soon?) and read Faust in German, so I can understand the meaning of life. I dislike the sound of French spoken aloud, think it sounds like people lying, but really love sound of German voices, perhaps because...
6. I am half German, have German citizenship through my dad, and wrote a book based on his early life and his last years, what he may have remembered as he was forgetting everything else.
7. To be fair to my Norwegian and Irish hybrid mom, who is thoroughly American except for her love of lutefisk and lefse, I am researching pioneers, Norwegian and Irish immigrants, and the train business in the 19th century to write a book for my mom. This one is not a sad mystery, like my dad's book. For my mom, I am writing a love story.
8. And who better to inspire a love story than my amazing new boyfriend? Life is full of surprises. At different times in recent years, I've thought of wanting to have a loving relationship like something I should get over, like a ten year old who did not receive that pony for her birthday. If I could get past wanting that, maybe I would be happy with everything else I have in life. I did kind of get past actively looking for someone, maybe because the right person (Trey) was just around the corner.
9. For years, I've thought of having a new person in my life as having someone with whom I could be as close as I am to my family, someone who would get along well with them, and someone who I could trust to do the right thing even if no one is watching. I have four brothers and one sister, whom I love very much.
10. I like blogging, obviously, about my family, daughters, boyfriend, dog, and everything else which occurs to me.
My favorite blogs to read:
Giselle's: http://lifewiththemonster.blogspot.com/
Greg's: http://totallyjuvenal.com/
Ed's: http://www.newimprovedgorman.com/
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